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About Us

K. S. Jagannathan & Co, Chartered Accountants, (KSJ) is a leading accounting firm rendering comprehensive professional services which include Independent Audit & Assurance, Foreign Exchange and Regulatory [FEMA] Consulting, Restructuring, Mergers & acquisitions, Valuations, Accounting and Corporate Support, Personnel Recruitment, Legal and Secretarial Support and Management Consulting and Tax Consultancy, Tax Audit and Advice on Transfer Pricing. KSJ was established in Chennai in 1979. KSJ was founded by late Shri. K.S. Jagannathan, a pioneer in auditing profession in India.

KSJ is one of the few audit firms in India to be selected for review by the "Peer Review Board" of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Delhi. The first of such review was done way back in the year 2005. The review was conducted successfully and KSJ has been issued necessary certificate in this regard. This certification gives an assurance that the audit procedures and processes followed by KSJ are of high standard.

The firm boasts of a very prestigious clientele, which includes corporate houses & MNC's from across industries and continents, project offices of foreign companies, branches of foreign enterprises, partnership firms, high net-worth individuals, public charitable trusts & others.

Engagements for the above clients include audit & assurance services, due diligence reviews, investigations, advisory services on Foreign Exchange [FEMA] related areas and Legal Advisory Services besides undertaking certification of foreign exchange remittances, royalty payments, commission income from foreign principals, export earnings. KSJ undertakes restructuring and valuations for private sector companies. KSJ's professional work is spread all over the country and abroad. Within the country, KSJ reaches out not only to the metros and large cities but even to many remote locations. KSJ also helps with selection and recruitment of top level finance personnel for clients including those requiring placement abroad.

KSJ clients' have global operations through their Branches/ Marketing set-ups Wholly owned subsidiaries [WOS] in USA, UK, Far-East, Middle East and Australia, Korea & China.

KSJ clients are diversifying their activities by entering into technical collaborations with business giants in the world and forming Subsidiary Companies within India and abroad through Joint Ventures. KSJ assists clients who are inbound investors and outbound investors in a comprehensive manner. KSJ assists well known Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in their needs.

KSJ's high quality services can be attributed to the key factor of personalized proactive service, response to client's needs, comprehensive capabilities, regular internal reviews and partners, contacts at the top level. The entire office of the Firm is internet enabled facilitating direct client contact and better service. The Firm strives to assure client satisfaction by soliciting the team's input to improve quality and efficiency, soliciting client feedback, facilitating knowledge transfer to the client, facilitating quality review, identifying and communicating additional opportunities.

The Management Consultancy Division of KSJ has carried out various consultancy assignments to its clients and others. KSJ's Tax Consultancy Division offers a wide range of services in Tax Consultancy and Tax Management in the field of direct tax laws. Relevant details are set out separately.

KSJ provides comprehensive legal services through a reputed firm of legal consultants with an international affiliation in order to render a comprehensive service to its clients specially those expanding into global operations. We co-ordinate with the attorneys and give the client’s perspective to things and ensure that the interest of our client is protected at al times.

KSJ maintains qualified, well trained and highly experienced staff. A very selective recruitment process and substantial investment in training ensures that expert knowledge is supplemented by specialist knowledge in one or more areas and is broadened into general management skills required for services in the business environment. The Firm employs evaluation methods for staff performance, and increments and promotions are made based on proven evaluation methods.

KSJ's experience base which supports KSJ's services is highlighted in the select set of resumes given separately. The average age of the partners of the Firm is under fifty years and of the Firm as a whole, around thirty five. This shows the maturity and experience of the partners and team members. A full list of the dynamic and highly motivated professional manpower can be provided on request. The firm also proudly claims having trained several professionals who have excelled in different fields.

KSJ's high quality of services is the outcome of hands-on involvement of seniors in all important tasks, regular internal reviews, respect for client's knowledge, skills and feedback, preparedness to respond to client queries outside the formally defined scope of work and partners' contacts at the top level.

KSJ is committed to excellence in professional service, education and training, fully attuned to the evolving needs of the commercial & student community and offered through a premier institution growing with the times and inspiring recognition and respect.

The hallmark of the organization is high integrity combined with transparency in dealings, dedication, sincerity, quality of service and value for money - to sum up "putting client first attitude"

Our professional approach blended with personal touch has earned us enormous confidence of all our clients, which is reflected in an enduring business relationship that we enjoy with them as also in the consistent growth in portfolio of our services

We at KSJ would be happy to assist you with our professional support & service!

KSJ & Co. was set up on 09-09-1979 and is mainly engaged in work relating to

  • Auditing & Assurance services,
  • Business Taxation (Income Tax and GST), preparation and filing of income tax returns and all other forms under the Direct Taxes and appearing before taxation authorities at different levels
  • STPI & SEZ Consultancy,
  • Consultancy under FEMA
  • India Entry Strategy and Foreign Investment in India – establishing project offices, subsidiary companies, branch of foreign company etc,
  • Accounting and back office services including providing Remote and shadow CFO services
  • Due Diligence Services
  • Company Formation under the Companies Act, 2013& all services under the Companies Act, 2013.

The firm specializes in providing legal assistance in foreign tie-ups including drafting of joint venture agreements and creation of other legal entities like subsidiaries, project offices, liaison offices and branch offices.

The firm conducts thorough studies and offers advice and solutions to individuals and corporates keeping in view their desired financial goals.

Date of Incorporation: 09-09-1979.
Number of Partners: 2
Founded by: Late. Mr. K.S. Jagannathan.

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