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Stpi & Sez Consultancy

KSJ has hands on experience in performing audit of various undertakings registered with Software Technology Park of India [STPI] &those situated in Special Economic Zone [SEZ]. SEZ laws and Income Tax Act, 1961have lot of inter-play. One needs to understand the provisions of both the legislations inorder to effectively advise stake-holders. We at KSJ by virtue of handling multiple business entities in this space are well versed at doing so. By virtue of this experience, KSJ is well positioned to provide the following services:

  • Registration of entities with STPI/SEZ
  • Helping in Custom bonding the premises wherever necessary
  • Certification and filing of Quarterly and annual returns
  • Space expansion
  • Bonding/De-bonding
  • Any other related services that may be required from time to time.
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